If you need to shoot something super quick and are configured for a reasonable distance, something getting up into your face super close is bad. When things spawn next to you, the distance your mouse travels to make minute adjustments becomes far smaller. If a target gets TOO CLOSE you have dramatically less window to adjust your point of aim unless you have a DPI switch that lets you scroll slower. FPS games depend upon your Field Of View interacting with the math of adjusting your point of aim, so there is a tyranny of trigonometry that depends upon your position and where your reticle is relative to a target. if you're me.Įdit my husband didn't understand the first graph so here's what it is: A TOP DOWN VIEW of the Angle of Movement of one's reticle, with the Player in the Center.
I made rambling threats of doing more regarding Killing Floor 2, since it's design is so shit and bad and terrible that you could probably write like a 5 hour long video essay about it and still have more to say.